In Did you know that...

CRIBIS D&B, a company of the CRIF Group specialized in the supply of commercial information, assigned to Amadei Auro Srl the status “CRIBIS Prime Company”.

the CRIBIS Prime Company, currently assigned only to approximately 8% of the beyond 6 million Italian enterprises, represents the highest level of assessment of the reliability of an enterprise from the point of view of the commercial relations and is released only and exclusively to companies that maintain constantly a high reliability and are virtuous in the payments towards the suppliers.

The certification is assigned based on the analysis of numerous variables such as budget indices, payment experiences, legal form, geographical area together with the size and seniority of the company.

The parameters are evaluated according to the CRIBIS D&B Rating, a dynamic and constantly updated indicator that measures the commercial reliability of a company. This important recognition by CRIBIS for the Reliability, Solidity and Transparency of Amadei is a guarantee for all our current and future partners.

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